Search cards

When you press "" knob displayed on the top or left of the page, the list will be shown.
By long-tapping the parting line between a list and card page or slide it to the left(up), you can chage the display position of those. Double-tapping a parting line hides the list.
Slide to left
Slide to top
By pressing the search button() on the toolbar when the list is displaying, a search window is shown instead of the quick search.

Standard mode

You can search easily by just arranging keywords.
Standard mode
Pressing "j" button in the search window adds the keyword input field, and when you press "k" button, a bottommost column will remove.

Pressing "" button in the window will begin the search and the cards matching all enumerated conditions will be appended in the list. For example, in the image above, you can find a card that matches all of "[Index(Card number)] is between 0 and 10" "[Item1] has the word of [keyword]" "[item 2] is between 10 and 15".

By the way, if you check "Raw" in the search condition, it will target the original data stored in the database. For example, Rich text is made up of HTML. Therefore it matches even when searching with a specific tag name such as "DIV".

Advance mode

Press the "Standard mode" button at the bottom of the window to switch to advanced mode. In advanced mode, you need practice but you can create very detailed search conditions.
Advance mode
Simple search conditions are added by "j" button. Press the button to add the condition that will be grouped. If the added group has focus, the condition is added within that group.

The higher the item above, the higher the priority in the search. However, grouped conditions are determined preferentially.

Random mode

Extract a certain number from all cards at random.
Random mode
If "Fixed" is selected, only the number of cards will be chosen. If it is "Ratio" it will be chosen from all the cards by the percentage value. Target cards will change each time you run a search. When you press "y" button, all the cards are shown in the list.

Store the conditions

In normal and advanced mode, you can store the created search condition. If you want to save it, please enter the name at the dropdown list on the top of a search window and press "j" next to the right. To load the condition, please choose the registered name from this list.

If the name shown in the entry field was registered, an item has that name will be removed by pressing "k" button.