Edit cards

Basic card editing is carried out with the tool button at the bottom center of the page.
Card tools
To create a new card, please press "j" button to show the new card on the page. By executing a moving action, such as moving a page or creating a new card in addition, contents in this card will record in the database.

If you want to view registered cards, please press "T" "U" button and move to the card with the registered number. By holding these buttons, the amount of movement shows on the screen and you can jump instantlly. In addition, your holding with Ctrl(Command) Key is jumped directly to the card with that number itself.

Pressing "k" button deletes the card from the database. If there are following cards, those cards' number will be moved up.

Quick search

Press the middle button to show Quick Search window.
Qucik search window
First, you specify the category you want to search at the selection box above the window. Next, enter the word you want to search (or the range if the number or date) in the keyword field below that and press "T" "U" button to move to the card with the closest number matching the keyword.

When the tool buttons that do not fit on the screen, the display way of buttons will change.
Card tool 1
Card tool 2
In this case, pressing "" "" button switches card move buttons and card append/remove buttons. To show the quick search window, please hold the middle button.