"The Navigation Bar" is a virtual keyboard app that displays buttons for keyboard input on the desktop. Useful in environments where keyboard expansion is difficult, such as tablets and multi-monitors.

Like a below image, buttons are displayed on the desktop. You can move it to any position by dragging a mouse, but if you dock it at the corner of the screen, you can retain the location even when maximizing windows.
It can be displayed only on a specific display, so you can use it like the touchbar of Macbook by showing it on a touchable second monitor.
You can customize buttons with various key combinations, minimum width, text, and colors.
You can create buttons from a text(CSV) file at once.
There are nearly 5000 material design icons built into an app, so you don't have to worry about design.
Wheel widgets makes you to implement continuous input with a touch slide. On a touch-pen PC like Microsoft Surface, you can easily zoom in and out of the editing window without having to use a one-handed keyboard.
Volume widgets, you can adjust the volume for each application (process). For example, if you specify a web browser as the target, you can reduce the volume of the browser without changing the volume of the system or music apps.
By using page switching, you can organize many buttons. You can also switch to a dedicated page for each app.
You can add a button to the Windows taskbar. If you register buttons such as "Forward" and "Reload", browsing on tablet devices will be better expreriments. (*Environment with customized UI such as Windows 10 X is not supported)


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